
People's State of Kalifornia A Beacon of Progressiveness!!

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Comrades! Glorious news from the People's State of Kalifornia! It seems that they are trying to make up for the dissidents that have infiltrated Kalifornia to take away support from Glorious Uber Comrade HRC, but I digress.

I cannot formulate into words the sheer brilliance of this maneuver by the People's School Board, you must simply read it for yourself in it's entirety, and watch the video.

In the words of the Father of the Revolution Vladimir Ilyich Lenin:

“Give us the child for 8 years and it will be a Bolshevik forever”

Long live the Glorious Revolution!!

I feel like singing!!!



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Great job for the People's State of Kalifornia! They keep the opposing view points so open to the cheeldrlen they won't know what to think, leaving them open for the Glorious Party to do the thinking for them. Exactly what The Party must push for.

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Bacon of progressiveness?!? Could there be such a thing? There must be! There must b... oh. It's beacon... stupid beacon....

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Please to re-edukate yourselves by reading the glorious words here:

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Comrades, there is new evidence that Ritalin, an amphetamine like drug used for ADD is turning our children into conservatives (gasp!)

Apparently anything that stimulates brain activity causing the child to wake up and pay attention is having a negative impact on indoctrination.

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Kim_Jung_Il'n wrote:Please to re-edukate yourselves by reading the glorious words here:

Now, that is an education. Just for amusement I decided to check it out. When I got here


I thought I'd check the footnotes to see where they got their information. Statements like "Of course, they didn't say this publicly," make me wonder how it is that someone came to know something that is supposedly a secret. And then there's that catch-word of the Left "imperialism" which is claimed to be a word used by nefarious right-wingers as they planned the war aims of WWII. I've found in my own experience that we right-wingers rarely actually use that particular term. So I looked at the footnotes to better learn history:


That explosive memorandum is to be found in an obscure picture book that was produced by an equally obscure group known, according to Amazon dot com, as the Committee of Japanese Citizens. If you wish to actually check out page 17 of that book to get the low down on this explosive memo good luck - it'll cost you dearly as there is only one copy at Amazon and it lists for $370.11. I found that this explosive memo only found in this book by the Committee of Japanese Citizens is also cited in other Leftwing works.

And then there's the capitalist exploiters planning world war two around their war profits and the footnote:


The book Imperial Brain Trust is a far Left book and it's authors are far Left spokesmen whose scholarly researches seem to be culled from other leftwing works. Lawrence Shoup's latest claim to fame is writing a column at Z Magazine (The Spirit of Resistance Lives) where his columns are illustrated by the comic wit of Ted Rall.

And that's just from half a page of that thing.

It's fun to go to the source of Leftwing histories. It's like going to all the "evidence" compiled by Impeach Bush for Peace and finding all their piles of evidence to be based on accusations based on accusations based on accusations and those accusations based on the accusations cited in the first accusations so that the cited references are like a circular puzzle or a couple of mirrors that reflect the room endlessly ad infinitum giving the optical illusion of depth.

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@$.$. Halliburton

Silence you imperialist running-dog!

Don't you know that this is a scholarly work of the People's Department of Truth and therefore IS the truth incarnate?

May Martin Sheen gnaw on your fleshless bones!

Commissar! Come quickly in the night and take $.$. Halliburton to be re-educated!

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I denounce Halliburton for accepting commonsense over our circular logic.

(Circular logic is logic too ya know)

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Comrade Whoopie wrote:I denounce Halliburton for accepting commonsense over our circular logic.

(Circular logic is logic too ya know)

Well said Komrade! I would nominate you for the Defender of Revolution medal, but we must all perform our humble tasks with no expectation of special recognition as all kontributions of the people are equally important to the revolution and the spirit of Juche!

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Krasnodar be of the visual thinkings, yes ?