
No one gets a waiver from socialism

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North Korean politics are proving once again that no one gets a waiver from socialism, not even the most powerful.

The wish by the Barbara Walters of the world is to have an all-powerful political Messiah, a Kim if you will, who'll force the rest of society to bend to their will. This turns politics on its head.

Politics should be centered around protecting and maintaining individual rights and Liberty so that each person can live their own life on their own terms to the best of their ability. But it tends to devolve back to the most primitive politics known to man, centering around whichever powerful Man you will pledge your loyalty and fidelity to. Having gained the power of so many life or death decisions, such a Man becomes a law unto himself.

The political Messiah that the Barbara Walters wishes for, the instrument of socialism, is the authoritarian from the earliest and the basest days of politics.

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Those who believe they have waivers from ObamaCare may also believe they have waivers from the socialism and political system they have imposed. They hope raw power will protect them.

And yet no one can get a waiver from what ObamaCare will do to the healthcare system. Medical care will become the province of political power and power politics - very different from what it was in a free enterprise system. It will crumble like Havana. No one gets a waiver from that.

No one gets a waiver from socialism. Not North Korean despots, not Hugo Chavez, not even Barbara Walters.

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A piece nearest the king is sometimes sacrificed to make a point that all are expendable.

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