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Senator Richard Santorum, the smiley faced begetor of 7 live little CO2 producers, is not only running against our Manchurian Candidate Яomиэy, but he also denies the consensus science of Global Warming:


Santorum rejects the mainstream scientific opinion on climate change, having referred to it as "junk science"; he also embraces common threads of the global warming conspiracy theory, believing that global warming is a "beautifully concocted scheme" by the political left and "an excuse for more government control of your life."

For this crime, and for siring 7 healthy capitalists, Mr. Santorum should either be executed, or sent to a labor camp in the Alaskan Arctic Circle, preferably the former.


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How can he be unaware of all the polar bears swimming for their very lives at the present time? Polar caps are melting and there is a lack of snow everywhere, after all, is settled science, wake up you dumb Rick.

That looks like a swell picture of Our Premier's civilian army. It's nice to see where $3.6 trillion extracted from American taxpayers and borrowed from Asian comrades can be spent for shovel ready jobs. Drunken wife beater Marx said that the whole judiciary can be replaced by a civilian army that simply runs on morals alone, atheists having such a natural feel for morals anyway, you know, the moral baseline of atheists being so famous and all.
Get rid of God and the whole idea of fundamental God-given rights just fades away into a distant memory, you know, as argued by Kagan in the animal crush video case. No fundamental rights anymore; we need a balancing test. Balance the individual interest against the governmental interest to decide the winner.
See how well it worked for the lady in the picture above? Swell, huh?

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Comrade....sigh....must I be distracted from important party business to correct this? Why would you waste a noble, time honored concept such as a denunciation on a class enemy such as Santorum? If reactionary fascist rethuglicans wish to profess their backward, dark age superstitions that Man Made Global Incineration does not exist, despite the years and years of scientific evidence of the highest order, then let them expose themselves for the fools that they are! Do not correct them in their folly comrade!

Now where was I in my count of OPM for the day?

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Marshal P...... You were at $15 trillion and four dollars.

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Thank you Comrade Krasnodar. but I dare say my count has zoomed higher in the meantime.