
France To Be Rescued By Socialism

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Yes, the French economy is in the toilet but don't count them out. After years of rising debt, crushing entitlements and low production, the right man with the right system has been found.

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One can never beat a dead horse too often, especially if it promises free stuff. Francois Hollande, Socialist Party candidate is sure to be a shoe-in. "If America can do it, so can we." Like Obama says, "We must return to the failed policies of the past and do them right this time.

"We stand in Solidarity with our French comrades and are calling an #Occupy around the Arc de Triomphe to plan their next glorious retreat and surrender.

President Obama, after apologizing to France for America's part in causing the French financial crisis, offers Sarkozy some sound advice. "Here's how it works. France is broke because you spent like drunken sailors, promised everyone everything for nothing and basically gave away the store. You need to tell the people to "hope for change" and invest by collecting whatever little money is left and dividing it up among those who will support you."

Ben Bernanke instructs France on squeezing blood from turnips.


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Once the reforms have been fully implemented, I expect the poodle population to decline mysteriously.

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Comrade Opiate,
Surly this would be an "unintended" consequence to help the people rid themselves of that four legged pampered parasite. Additional the dog food could provide a new menu choice for
less advantaged French.I did not know dear leader spoke Greek!