
Dear Leader finally learns how to keep America safe

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Our Dear Progressive Leader has finally taken a long-awaited step to break the tyrannical chains of liberty that have enslaved this nation. This week, the Senate will vote on a bill that would enable this President, and all others after Him, the power to order the military to pick up and imprison civilians anywhere in the world. They would be able to do the Leaders bidding quickly and without the distraction of charge or trial. This would save time and resources. Just think of how many trees will be saved because of the lack of paperwork! The proposed legislation is so powerful and broad that it could be used right here in the USA to help us shape a brighter, greener future. Get your vodka chilled and glasses ready for the celebration when this Glorious, Progressive piece of Eco-friendly legislation passes!

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We can all Rest Well that the Enemies Of The State will be pursued and jailed imprisoned for any possible Counter-Revolutionary (ptui) activities.

And naturally, we made-Progressives will be immune from the Natural Garbage Cleaning Of The State by our trusted State Police!

Uhhh, wait a moment: there is a knock at my door; Greetings Comrades! I am the Block Captain for argh cwompf There Is No Need To gagggh humpf.

Made It Back To Keyboard - More Later aaaaack- No Stop! I'll Go, I'll Go! But you all had better be ready for the political implications of this glopgh urk skwks...

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We regret the sudden interuption of the most recent communique from Apparatchik Unkulturny...pardon me...Non-person Unkulturny. Please move along and forget that this non-person ever existed.

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Speaking of "break the tyrannical chains of liberty", I have observed for quite some time the operations of Children's Protective Services.

The comrades at CPS and in the Mental Illness business, along with their partners in the unconstitutional Family Courts of NO Due Process have been pioneering the operation of picking children up with no Search Warrant and then getting their parents to "volunteer" all sorts of useful info without hearing anything about Miranda.

Which culminates in scaring the hell out of the parents to get them to sign an Adhesion Contract which is presented as part of the contingent "hostage release" and either implied as being "possibly helpful" or expressly stated as a "requirement" for getting themselves and the child(ren) out of the system. (Hopefully before CPS burns the kid's brains out with antipsychotic dope)

All financed with Billion$ from the Federal Funding Streams.

The fact that many, if not most CPS agents belong to the [highlight=#666699]SEIU[/highlight] means nothing. All perfectly consistent with the Communist Manifesto.

Move along

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Pava Patrioticheskaya wrote:Our Dear Progressive Leader has finally taken a long-awaited step to break the tyrannical chains of liberty that have enslaved this nation. This week, the Senate will vote on a bill that would enable this President, and all others after Him, the power to order the military to pick up and imprison civilians anywhere in the world... The proposed legislation is so powerful and broad that it could be used right here in the USA to help us shape a brighter, greener future. Get your vodka chilled and glasses ready for the celebration when this Glorious, Progressive piece of Eco-friendly legislation passes!
At last we may love and laud the soldiers we hated until now since they will be sic'd upon all who oppose us. Especially those who oppose us within our own borders, who call themselves "citizens", whom we Korrektly identify as Enemies of the State.

With this newfound love, a new slogan comes to mind: “Save a tree – hug a soldier”.

No wait – time to come up with something even more nonsensical. Oh drat. Just found out “You can't hug a child with nuclear arms” has already been done.

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Pava, the Party and Gaia approve your most equally excellent poster. Expect to see it on buildings and lampposts across the USSA real soon now.

By the way - How'd you get the line on the new 0bamaCorps (Korrektly pronounced "Corpse") uniform appearance? General Konspiriskiy is suspicious!