
Building the New Progressive Voter!

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Political Science No Longer "Fiction!"

The Department of Political Engineering (DOPE) has announced a new program to build the new progressive comrade while at the same time enabling the Party to make former non-persons whole again using cutting-edge medical technology that's regrowing human tissue, in some cases, on the backs of volunteer mice.

The new technology uses volunteer, politically reliable voter's own stem cells to grow skin, muscles, tendons and even bone. The Party Commissar General Surgeon described it as being similar to a salamander regenerating a lost tail -researchers want to take amphibian technology and use the same concept for both live voters and necro proxy voters.

"Sadly, the technology is still in it's early stages, and it is not expect to be ready in time for this coming elections in November" according to an anonymous researcher who has not been cleared to comment.

There has been speculation that this technology has already been used with devastating results, but the Department of Political Engineering could neither confirm nor deny this.


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New technology can always be frightful, but if my audio recording hidden behimd my red star on my hat is working correctly, was it not you who recently was talking about the joys of technology?

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I don't know about this, Comrade Marsupi-Pup. There seems to be way too much conservativism, honouring our military, human life and achievement here to be useful to the Greater Good ™.

Firstly, they're using adult stem cells instead of harvesting them from aborted humyns. This goes against our progressive sensitivities. And what's the good of fighting for the right to abort destructive, carbon-emmitting baby humans if we then go and fix up the damaged adult ones- who should be left to die be re-educated by our progressive, environmentally-conscious friendsof the Religion of Peace

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Beelzebob Brown wrote:I don't know about this, Comrade Marsupi-Pup. There seems to be way too much conservativism, honouring our military, human life and achievement here to be useful to the Greater Good ™.

Firstly, they're using adult stem cells instead of harvesting them from aborted humyns. This goes against our progressive sensitivities. And what's the good of fighting for the right to abort destructive, carbon-emmitting baby humans if we then go and fix up the damaged adult ones- who should be left to die be re-educated by our progressive, environmentally-conscious friendsof the Religion of Peace

Ahh yes, it is a very fine line between necro-voter and soylent green...

It's PEOPLE! The Democrat base is PEOPLE!!!

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I fail to fathom this distrust in the Party in regard to the science of building the new progressive voter. We are merely building on the shoulders of the great Stalin. Take your average rethuglican. We can re-build him, make him strong liberal, faster to fall for the party line. And if he proves a disappointment, he can always be used for solyent green cat food as Comrade Cat points out.

But we can also use this technology to keep tried and true socialists going strong forever, those that due to the ravages of time caused by Haliburton, would other wise become at best, a necro voter. Imagine, Kennedy living forever! The Empress need not worry about endless IV feed of botoxin.

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Department of Political Engineering build Drago. Drago big and strong, beat that puny capitalist weakling Rocky.

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It is good to see you again Comrade Drago. Where have you been? Beating down those weak kneed, glass jawed imperialist girly men?

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Mousey-tongue wrote:Ahh yes, it is a very fine line between necro-voter and soylent green..
A line that our fine progressive fellows in the Daley family in Chicago are constantly striving to cross. After all, the ultimate political machine is one which can turn corpses into food for people who will be corpses which will be progressive votes.

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Pupovich, have you considered another use of this? If we can grow ears, then why cannot we grow Progressive brains? They can be grown on the backs of mice--small mice even--and can be used when unrepentant conservatives are sent for re-education at Hilton Head or Hyannis Port.

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Well of course we are working on growing more progressive brains! That is the ultimate challenge of course, but this work reported here is but the start. We start off building the body parts, but the knowledge learned in this effort will help us to build the New Socialist Man, from prole up so to speak.

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Actually I think that one could use a 2GB SD card downloaded from the Kos Kiddies. Cost, in bulk, about $10.00.

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Do you really need a 2 gb brain to vote progressive? After all, their is no decision making necessary, as it will be provided to the voter. All the brain power needed is to move the body about long enough to cast a vote.

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Commissar Pupovich, please bear in mind that a 2GB SD card is only memory and has utterly no decision-making ability in and of itself. It is sufficient for the projectile vomiting of party-approved slogans. And that is all that is needed.

That and a random-number generator, and BIOS calls for (1) indignation, (2) outrage, (3) scattershot accusations, (4) whining, (5) noise, (6) sulking, (7) finger pointing, (8) taking credit, (9) lying, (10) betraying secrets and (11) feeling self-righteous.

And there need be no decision making in this either. All Progressive Pod People will be connected with 801.11(a)--it is fast enough, or failing that two tin cans and a piece of string, to the master computer at headquarters, stolen from DARPA, which tells the PPPs when and where to assemble.

And the genius of it is that whenever a new shell script comes out from, the PPPs, who lie warehoused on slabs as in <i>The Matrix</i>, can merely be reprogrammed by a simple updating of the SD card.

But comrades, we have to maintain the uttermost security. What if the Rethuglicans put a virus into the SD cards? I have heard rumors that one Rethuglican operative was caught with code which, and I'm feeling faint here, <i>would have caused a PPP to stand and put its hand over its heart when the AmeriKKKan flag went by</i>.

I have to go lie down now.

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Commissar Theocritus wrote:...a 2GB SD card is only memory and has utterly no decision-making ability in and of itself. It is sufficient for the projectile vomiting of party-approved slogans. And that is all that is needed.

That and a random-number generator, and BIOS calls for (1) indignation, (2) outrage, (3) scattershot accusations, (4) whining, (5) noise, (6) sulking, (7) finger pointing, (8) taking credit, (9) lying, (10) betraying secrets and (11) feeling self-righteous.
Theo - you just came up a gold mine of an idea that needs developing. Perhaps, in the form of a diagram of an SD card with description and instructions? I can't think of anything concrete right now, but if comrades chip in...

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Commissar Theocritus! Clearly the rumors you have heard about a rethuglican bug are true! Witness the horrid smiley face that has crept into a serious discussion of technical issues by the formerly pure Red Square.

It is insideous!

I have uncovered this bug, As a result, it is now to be forbidden for a comrade to use parenthesis around numbers if it is necessary to go beyond 7.

What is not clear yet is how was the Commissar able to do this while others can not! I feel this needs further investigation and perhaps charges filed.

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Commissar Pupovich, while checking my post I found that I too had the appearance of a smiley and nothing could be farther from my true socialist seriousness. There is however at the bottom of each preview page a checkbox which disables smileys.

Red, owing to a reappearance of MRSA, which is being treated, my Politburo-assigned physician has placed me under house arrest, meaning that I shall be forced to take some time off from flogging peasants and hawking Meow's Hummels. Perhaps I can devise an instruction set for the PPP. I most certainly can, having read many computers' instructions sets. The problem is whether or not I can make hold other party member's interests. I mean, the program counter which marks where the instructions are to be executed, is a rich mine of analogy, as are my favor, NOP (no operation) instructions. I'll have to see.

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And also the PPP would be the quintessential definition of the "mind-numbed robot." Nicht wahr?

Sorry. I've been watching <a href="">The Lives of Others</a>, which is astonishingly powerful.

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I saw The Lives of Others when it came out on DVD, and I agree - it's a great movie, and ideologically supports our premises. How did it then get around the Hollywood political commissars and got the Academy Award? It's simple. Having read a few Hollywood movie reviews, I came to the conclusion that the dumkopfs had entirely missed the part showing how socialism inevitably leads to oppression of the individual through the police state and total surveillance. All they noticed was that the "illegal wiretapping" of dissidents was wrong and that it was exactly what Bush was doing. It went over their heads that it was their anti-Western, anti-American side that did the wiretapping. But what do you expect of the Hollywood critics? They're not more than mere opinion makers and trend setters in our society - don't expect much from these feeble-minded fellows.

As for the PPP, if you keep it simple and identify the most prominent analogies that would be understandable to a layman like me, I can then create the graphic. If there are too many words to fit on the graphic, they can be placed as text next to the picture as we do sometimes on the Cube.

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Commissar Theocritus wrote:There is however at the bottom of each preview page a checkbox which disables smileys.

Red, owing to a reappearance of MRSA, which is being treated, my Politburo-assigned physician has placed me under house arrest, meaning that I shall be forced to take some time off from flogging peasants and hawking Meow's Hummels.

Commissar slaps head with People's shovel! Of course, I forgot about did the Cube apparently!

Commissar Theorcrtus! Take care of that MRSA immediately! I as much as anyone can testify to the havoc such Haliburton created bugs can do.

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Red, it will have to be an amalgam. I can see things like the program counter--measured in jackboot steps per second. The accumulators (now registers), for bile and resentment. But the text would be the instruction set, which is by definition text.

It might be a bit much to have a parity bit, an overflow flag. And it might be hard to make something pungent with indirect addressing--going through say the MSM to libel someone.


I like your analysis of the MSM's take. I had hoped that, as the STASI agent becomes human (which I hope he does; I was tired halfway through), Hollywood might have a glimmer of humanity outside their utter self-absorption but I suppose not. I read a fascinating article in <i>The Spectator</i> about a woman who became a mole in the London Scientology church and said she understood how it would fetch celebrities, who pay to be audited. That is, some church member gets them to rattle on about their earlier lives and experiences. It's the wet dream of an egomaniac, being spoon-fed invitations to "discover" himself. Its success is surely explained by the fact that all they have to renounce is money, which they willingly part for to pay for the sop to their endless vanity.

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That's a great observation: the STASI agent becomes human, but the Hollywood critics writing about him, don't.

They'll probably die of old age in their mansions, having written thousands of reviews about human condition, and never discover their own humanity.

You have a strange way of getting me in a mental mood that's evocative of late German romanticism. Ever read ETA Hoffmann (besides the Nutcracker)? His fantasy story about Little Zaches ("Kleine Zaches Genannt Zinnober") is a perfect allegory of how the lazy and talentless progressivists cheat their way into power by stealing achievements of talented and industrious conservatives. It is done in a humorous and entertaining manner that reminds me of the writings of our very own Meow. I mean, how could Hoffmann in the late 18th century Germany know how the US Democrats would behave to get elected in 2006? This is something I'd recommend every American political junkie to read.

I myself read it long time ago in Russian. But no matter how I search, I've been unable to locate the English translation. If I were a little more paranoid I'd conclude that the liberal cultural establishment is deliberately snubbing this particular book, knowing that if people would read it they'd begin to see the liberals for who they really are - the little devilish tricksters who live off other people's work. It could also make an excellent dark fantasy movie - but it seems that today's Hollywood would rather make meaningless remakes of remakes than take an original meaningful story.

That could also be the reason it was published in Soviet Russia under the guise of some obscure German classic, by some covert saboteur in a desperate attempt to help people see the true nature of the communists who were ruling over them. At least I made that analogy, and for a while Hoffman became my favorite writer at the time.

And apparently I wasn't the only one because my search has brought me to a MySpace page of a pretty good Ukrainian rock band named "Little Zaches" in Ukrainian after Hoffmann's book.

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Eureka! Already after having posted the previous one, I did some more research and discovered an online version of Hoffmann's story. Still no printed one found, but I copy-pasted it into Word, removed HTML formatting, changed size to 10, and it's taking only 65 pages. So guess what I'll be reading tonight in bed?


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ImageI have another take on why Hollywood could accept the Lives of Others. and this is nothing new, it goes back long before Bush. The reason they can accept such a movie is because while the former E Germany and USSR were so well known for using such tactics, it does not distract the left from the idea that it has nothing to do with any intrinsic problem with socialism. They still believe that socialism can succeed and everyone live in a progressive eden.

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What I find amazing is the secular faith in it. "Well, socialism did manage to kill 100,000,000 people but if it had been properly tried and another million or so sacrificed, it would be perfect."

Had Joan of Arc had such faith the fires never would have touched her.

Really. These people are first cousins to people who sell their goods and go to the top of a mountain and wait for the second coming. But these people sell other peoples' goods.


Pupovich, Nice graphic. I date you a bit: on April 24 I turned 53. And having very good genes expect to be as abusive as possible for decades. I seem to have acquired an immunity in West Texas and can say what I want and that's a GOOD thing. I wish this to other loyal comrades.

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Are you referring to the Taggert Internaional thingy? That is not mine, it is in the character off drop down box.

Unless of course you are referring to that damning evidence I recently dug up on s certain alleged comrade, who has yet to confess....

<center><img src=" ... center><br>

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This picture looks like comrade Mousey Tongue sporting a very large hat in the form of war criminal Bush. Those Halloween costumes are getting increasingly out of hand.

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Ah. I must explore that drop-down box. I know Red's liking for Rand, which matches mine, and will seek more references.
Image One of my favorites.

Of course the Progressive has torn God off his pedestal and with utterly no reason for the liberation of the working class climbed up in his place.

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Commissar Pupovich wrote:Are you referring to the Taggert Internaional thingy? That is not mine, it is in the character off drop down box.

Unless of course you are referring to that damning evidence I recently dug up on s certain alleged comrade, who has yet to confess....

<center><img src=" ... center><br>

I am in, how you say, dilemma? The slanderous Pupovich dares post this misinformation on multiple threads. I post reasonable explanation on other thread, which is rejected by comrade Red Square for the current truth (kitty-killer Bush is my hat). I dare not post in conflict to the Current Truth and openly defy our great leader. (By the way, Pupovich has admitted he does not have Photoshop software, or the dexterity and skills needed to doctor photo...HE HAD HELP!!!)

Therefore, my only reasonable response here is to defame the mighty pooch with some agitprop of my own. Witness, people of the Party, the crass capitalism capable of Commissar Pupovich:

Clearly, the recent show trial did not dig deep enough! Speaking of digging deeply, my doggy comrade, you might want to tune your shovel up. The permafrost should be sufficiently thawed for you to put it to good use!

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I do not have Photoshop Comrade Cat....the KGB can confirm this.

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You seem to be at a disadvantage then....

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As Commissarka Pinkie has slapped our furfight into its own DeathmatchTM thread, I can reply no further than a simple "meowwww".

"Good-nite, now it's time to go home..."

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Premier Betty wrote:You seem to be at a disadvantage then....

Well, I do have what appears to be a really good freebie called But just between you and me... I really am not worth a damn with these kind of programs. Oh, it's easy enough to put text on a picture. but the first time I actually succeeded in putting a picture on top of another, it was mostly accidental playing with the buttons, and then I had to try and recreate the acciedent.

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Be careful what you invent by accident. Among the useful things created by accident, such as, Slinky, Silly Putty and the Popsicle, there are also evil and foul things like cat litter.

Make sure that when you turn away from your computer, the cat doesn't walk over your keyboard and pushes buttons. A few scientific facts will help you detect the perpetrators:

1. Cats perspire through their paws.
2. Cat urine glows under "black light".

I hope your Pup's Pleasure Palace doesn't have cat flaps.

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As always, my only aim is to increase my contributions to the great work of world socialism, the crowning of the Empress, and The Party, always the Party!

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Commissar Theocritus wrote: And there need be no decision making in this either. All Progressive Pod People will be connected with 801.11(a)--it is fast enough, or failing that two tin cans and a piece of string, to the master computer at headquarters, stolen from DARPA, which tells the PPPs when and where to assemble.

801.11a? Is this not a little over kill comrade? I would think that .11b would be too much. Heck, I have got an old wireless system that was made by Intel that runs at 1Mbps, got it in the dark days when I had dial up. I thought it was so neat to be able to surf on the net in the front yard. I think that the Intel system should be enough, I mean come on, what are we going to stream to them? Won't it be along the lines of RSS feeds of where the next protest is going to be?

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Red, I have some old Apple Net which were dongles hanging off the serial ports connected by RJ-11 (phone) cords and they were at 240.3Kb/s. But in the old days of my education to become the humble prole that I am, we were pleased to have an acoustic modem with rubber places for the standard Mother Bell handset, communicating with the IBM 370/168 down the hall at 110 baud (bits per second), to our KSR-33 teletypewriter.

And I could program in PL/I in it!

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Comardes, how much power does one need? We have Laika broadcasting instructions. Only need is for prole to vote for candidate as directed, and perhaps shovel some dirt. The chips in today's greeting cards can handle this.

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I fail to see why any electronics is needed at all. Here in Culo del Pecos, an ex county commissioner named Bernardo would sit outside the county clerk's office to see when she took the absentee ballots to the post office, and then the next day he would follow the mail truck and go into the the houses, represent himself as being from the clerk's office, sent to help them vote.

Now that's progressive voting at its best.

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That would be quite progressive indeed, but of little use in this case, since we are building voters, and so they have no house to go home to.

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Pupovich, they ought to have houses, or Potempkin Houses. This would provide full employment for the proles, and allow us to wire them all for supervision to make sure that their behavior stays within prescribed limits.

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Pupovich, they ought to have houses, or Potempkin Houses. This would provide full employment for the proles, and allow us to wire them all for supervision to make sure that their behavior stays within prescribed limits.

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Well of course we have Potempkin houses, towns, farms.... How else can I get such a large reasonable subsidy?