
Biden campaign to take a 4-year pause before the election

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Good news comrades,

In their infinite wisdom, the comrades of the Biden team have put a lid on Joe's campaign for the coming 4 years.

"The campaigning is wearing down our candidate, and he will need all his strength to undo the bad things Orange Man did," a Biden spokespersonxz said. "So it's better for him and the country if we take a little break, say four years or so, so he can gather his strength."

"When the four years are over," the Biden campaign has promised, "Joe will be rejuvenated and stronger than ever. In fact, he will probably go around challenging everyone to do a thousand pushups on one arm, take Donald Trump behind the shed, and perform many other majestic feats of leadership."

We are SOOO going to win this election four years from now.

Comrade Minitrue

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Goodness knows SOMETHING has to change.

The Party ™ just can't get a grip on why it is losing our faithful voters ...

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Kinda reminds me of the Anchorage Incident.

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Actually, I think that Biden will burrow back into his basement hole similar to what Punxsutawney Phil does, but only after seeing Trump's shadow after winning the election which may take a year to verify....even after finding thousands of registered ballots found in some remote server somewhere in upstate New York.

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If Joe takes four years off, that would make Kamala the heir to the throne, she'd need a VP, and Hillary is available...

Once the lawyers finally decide the election properly, Hillary can hold down the fort while President Kamala takes refresher training at the Vince Foster/Jeffery Epstien School of Political Achievement...

Golly, its like it was planned all along!