
Arctic Global Warming Expedition Derailed By Too Much Ice

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Comrades,The Evil Oil Companies, Rethiglikkkans, Teabaggers and KKKoch Brothers are at it again.

This is obviously Photoshopped.

Pope Algore I and his High Priests have been telling us for years that the Arctic would be ice-free by 2015. It's 2015 now, so we know that the Arctic is ice-free and this is all a trick.

If it were real, there would be polar bears out on that ice frolicking, eating tourists and having a fun time. Do you see polar bears in that picture? Of course not. The Evil KKKapitalists forgot to Photoshop them in.

All the polar bears are dead. From Global Warminsk. We know that for a fact.

This is just more Reich-wing propaganda.


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Tovarisch Lysenkomann! Perhaps you can get one of our Klimate Stasi komrades to explain the Polar Vortex™ (It's always entertaining)...

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Ah, yes. The Polar Vortex, Comrade Kommissar, is what is also called a "chakra."

You might remember a news story of our Pope (Algore I) requesting a massage of his pole... er... vortex... in a Portland, Oregon hotel room some years ago.

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Even as we speak, they are putting soap suds in the Hudson Bay to prove that there is no Global Warming.