
An Alczarweary Connection To Mullah Mannequin Boobie Ban?

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I make no accusations, no judgments and draw no conclusions. I simply present the facts as I make them up see 'em.

First, the Fatwah that should have NOT been Fatwah'd decades ago.

You really couldn't have made this one up. Apparently the Iranian Vice Police have ordered the breasts to be removed from store front dummies, during the latest crackdown on female dress 'standards'. In reality of course, it's just another example of the extraordinarily bizarre doctrine of Islam, which has, despite some of its supporters' best efforts to have you believe otherwise (and those of the slick advertising agencies it employs); a dark misogyny combined with extreme sexual jealousy, where its heart should be.

Its common knowledge I've been associated with all manner of inflated lady and pulp filled tramp, so I find this a disturbing move away from Progressive Moral Relativism.

Which leads me to expose that one of our own may have had an important role in bringing this about.


It brings me no pleasure to expose this heinous development. But who, if not me, will speak out for and defend Mannequin Boobage?

Alczarweary's own words!


So there's no confusion, I'm a dues paying member of ULFS (Union Leftist For Sharia) and stand behind the Alczarweary doctrine, but a man with a boot on his head must draw the line when it comes to being denied his titillating titillation!

In protest, I remain your Humble Buffoon...


just sayin...

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That IS one good looking boot on your head, Comrade. The Iranians may seek to adopt it as their new standard for ensuring proper coverage of all women (the usual veil just leaves TOO much flesh exposed.)

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I think you're all being culturally insensitive.

Has anyone thought that deboobing the store front dummies would make them even more attractive - almost like the Afghan dancing boys - which is the beauty standard in the Mullahs' book.

Which book is that? You know, it starts with a K and rhymes with "overran". And the best part - the boys aren't required to hide their pretty faces!


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Is there nothing these Muslim men don't find titillating? No wonder they're always going off half -- oh never mind. I expect the next thing they'll do is require all sink faucets to wear pants. No wonder those terrorists always stop into a strip club before they bomb anything. They're like kids in a candy store. And I thought black men were easily . . .

No wonder they find even the most homely woman suitable for marriage.

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So Whoopie...where'd youj find that picture and do you have any more?

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Perhaps Michelle should wear such a boomb belt?

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I don't know what all the fuss is about. I mean, look at the Frau. A little boobage goes a long way to gather attention to the Party.

Whoopster, we need the link to those awful photos. They need to be investigated thoroughly.

Re:Afghan dancing boys
Maybe we can now bring back that old TV show "Queen for a Day"?

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Was my name, or boobage, used in vein?! I might add that my natural well endowments only became more exposed with upgrade! Avert your eyes!

As for Mooslimic males, I must ponder if part of their so called "radical" jihadism is not connected to personal frustrations? What one is denied is what one is of want . . . or something like that. They have forbiddance to lay their eyes upon womanly endowments, so it must be assumed they can not lay eyes, or other bodily parts, on other womanly bodily parts. This could result in their pre-exploding tendencies, could it not?!

Maybe a little cleavage is called for in store mannequins?


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Clearly a subversive plot left over from the rethugliKKKan BusHilter regime to undermine our beloved jihadists fight from oppression.


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Comrade Shovel, I think we have some perverts comrades here, who will enjoy your photo as well.

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You mean the comrade with the State-issued rubber boot on his upper extremity?

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Fraulein Pulloskies, indeed there are those of the Pervert Klan Image inhabiting the collective. Not me of course.... Comrade Whoopie perhaps?


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sweet fancy gulags, Comrade Buff (may I call you by such a familiar?), I was so not aware of Comrade Whoops tendencies! Is that not interesting? But, I think we might need more juicy details factualities before stating of such. Please Do you have further evidences of his escapades!?

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Comrades, I never go to bed with inflatable women "puffies" I just seem to wake up next to them from time to time.

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And my secret, undisclosed email cooperative, has sent us a video of you confiscating with the afore mentioned "puffie". Did you plan on sharing with the glorious collective are keeping confiscations for your own personage?? I myself, have no interesting in such!, but am thinking collectively of collective Comrades Chedoh, Red Rooster, Buffoon and Woogums.

Hording is strictly prohibited. (and disregarding the vicious, unfounded, false rumor I had Snickers hidden in the bottom drawer!! NEIN!)


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By breathing life into a "puffy" girl you are actually reducing your carbon dioxide footprint.
btw: After you moved out of your barracks at the gulag we found this in your foot locker...


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Comrade Buffoon!!! What have you to be done with my husband???? How can you to be of putting the head of me on the body of husband??

Any one can be of the sight that I am of much more beauty than husband and also he is not of liking the pretty red lipstick or blushing rouge I am of the wearing.


As for whatever it is you are to be of talking, I will not be falling into any such of your booby traps. I have been of good learning that whatever it is the husband is to be of upping to that it best I to be staying far away. You should be of such learning.

Hmmmm.... Comrade Whoopie, it is seeming blow up man you have on offer is not very much of the robust manliness.

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After some recalculating, rethinking and re-organizationals, I am of the same considerations as Mrs. Al, which means, I am in agreements with denouncements. We are long past having a good denouncement too! So double denounces!! Image

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I think comrade Buffoon needs a "time out" in the boobie hatch...

Boobie Room.jpg

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Not the MTE room! Poor guy, just look at him.

I checked with the Great Book of Islam and it looks like we will have to keep the boobies on the Mannequins:

"And it is not lawful for you that ye take from women aught of that which ye have given them"
Qur'an 2:229

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Mrs Alczarweary and Fraulein Pulloskies,

I had expected your denouncements and relish them, it would seem I'm in good company lately.

Why just today Syria and Venezuela double denounced the United States!

I need a few more hours in the Comrade Whoopie provided boobie hatch.

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I need a few more hours in the Comrade Whoopie provided boobie hatch.

I must in all good conscienceness denounce both of you!

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Fraulein Pulloskies wrote:
I need a few more hours in the Comrade Whoopie provided boobie hatch.

I must in all good conscienceness denounce both of you!

I understand your decision and in good conscience advise that Comrade Whoopie is actually a mortal enemy!


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Comrade Whoopie wrote:By breathing life into a "puffy" girl you are actually reducing your carbon dioxide footprint.
btw: After you moved out of your barracks at the gulag we found this in your foot locker...

THAT is of no truthfulness! I would not ever have a date with such a floppy one! You are blowing up the wrong tree, dear comrade.