
Media The Lapdog and Sheeple

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The Media the Lapdog fever is catching on. Damon Bryan Shackelford, who runs a cartoon blog Delta Bravo Sierra, has sent us this installment with this note:

Damon Shackelford wrote:I am a fan of the site and loved the "Media The Lapdog" piece. Because I do a blog comic myself I thought it would be fun to try my hand at your Lapdog concept. Use it if you like. Delete it if you like. I had fun doing it. Heck, I would not mind doing a few more.

If new installments keep popping up we'll have to set up a section just for the Media the Lapdog cartoon pretty soon.

See the main Media the Lapdog page >>

Maybe some of the spots, on Media the Lapdog, could be changed into the round red, white and blue Obama campaign logo?? It looks like we will be seeing more of the Messiah's companion and watchdog!

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This guy is great, everyone should check out his archives.


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"Media the Lapdog" is worth more than a truckload of journalistic "ombudsmen".

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I think Media the Lapdog should be the official People's Cube Comic series.

Rooster Teeth has the Rooster Teeth Comics, we have Media the Lapdog.

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Comrade Leader Red Square,

I presume that you extorted demanded that this fellow (is he a registered Party member?) pay tribute to the People's Media Account? While we in the Party want to spread the Current Truth to all non-believers, Laika, our Hero Spacedog will have to train Media, provide for expenses incurred (travel and dining vouchers, hotels, press credentials, passport, etc) and that is very expensive.

I wish Media and the People's Propaganda Machine all the powers of "Free Speech" and recognition in The World of This Tuesday!

reading the "word" of our revolution,

Che' Gourmet

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Red Square wrote:The Media the Lapdog fever is catching on.

How could it not Glorious Cube? It is the natural consequence of the most recent 5 Year Plan. The People's Cube is the official Party Organ, and soon, we will be the People's Organ in word and fact. I am just giddy to be part of the Inner Circle of Organ Planning.

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How about a cartoon strip about a UAW <s>bone breaker</s> <s>enforcer</s> "member relationship specialist" set sometime in the near future in the United Soviet States of Amerika?

"Yo! Whaddya mean youze tired of paying union dewz? Dis is your union. We are doing dis to protect you. Now pay up, or dis here spot welder is gonna get applied to your spine. Capiche?"


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Zampolit, How wonderful it is to see you once again. I had feared that the Ministry of Love were "interviewing" you.

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Marshal Pupovich wrote:Zampolit, How wonderful it is to see you once again. I had feared that the Ministry of Love were "interviewing" you.

Oh no!!!! The new Department of Love was not "interviewing" me. I was there teaching a seminar on "The New Soviet American Regulations Governing Romantic Liaisons Amongst the Proletariat". Society is going to be much more orderly now that the Obamessiah has decreed that only he and high officials of The Party™ (i.e. us) can issue a Dating License.


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That is a wonderful idea! We simply can not take a chance on unregulated dating which of course leads to unregulated offspring.

Good on you for using DBS! GREAT comic!