
You must stay for Dear Leader

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Supposedly Democrats left Dear Leader alone on stage in a campaign for Lieutenant Governor Brown without even a good bye. Those must be Rethugicans or Teapartiers. Why else would Democrats leave him high and dry?

Well, next time Dear Leader will forewarn them of the punishments that will come to those who leave his presence in silence. Speaking of next time, he will be with Governor Pat Quin later that evening for his reelection campaign. Surely, the seats will be filled.

News update:

We have 100% attendance at Pat Quin and no one left during his speech.

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Comrade Hammer, it's racism plain and simple. These people don't like that we have the glorious First Black President™. It doesn't matter if the guy they supported who was with Dear Leader is black. It's still racist™ to walk out on Dear Leader. Word has it that Pat Quinn is only 1.8 points above the rethugikkkan. I sincerely hope that Dear Leader's appearance will help the Republicanmake a difference for Quinn.

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They did not even wait for the jokes Dear Leader would read from his teleprompter.

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I'm concerned that Reuters added an "R" after the Lt. Governor's name in the picture below. Does that indicate he's a Rethuglikkkan, a Racist, or standing to the Right of Dear Leader? We know he's not a Rethuglikkkan cause he's black, which also tells us he can't be a Racist. And everybody is to the Right of Dear Leader. Are Rumors being spread? Could Bush be Responsible for this?

R not D.jpg