
SJW Steals Pro-Life Sign - Gets Arrested

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In North Carolina, one pro-choice supporter took a pro-life sign. She thought she had won a victory against the patriarchy. And then she got towel slapped with reality. What she did was a crime. It's called larceny and the police arrested her for it.

SJW Arrest.jpg

Oh, and the woman was triggered that the police were “protecting” those who… want to stop babies being killed. The offices in the video is calm, collected, and aptly notes that this woman and those who hold similar pro-abortion views, could—you know—just ignore the pro-lifers. She couldn't, a telling sign of liberalism's inherent intolerance. Sorry, lady—you lost. And the law states that everyone has the right to protest. First Amendment rights are not just for liberals.

The woman made her way to the side of a building where she attempted to throw it off, but was stopped before she could by the sign's owner, Austin Beigel. As this was happening, however, one of the pro-life crowd signaled a nearby police officer who witnessed most of what happened.

“Did you steal their sign?” asked the officer.

“I just moved it,” said the feminist.

These are my favorite comments from the original post:

From SHL:
I gotta remember that line “I just moved it” should one day I decide to steal someones car.

“Why no officer, I'm just moving his car….”

From Saul in reploy to SHL:
Just tell them that you are an undocumented car valet.

And from Old Salt:
It's not her fault. She just transferred in from Berkeley, and her home town is Portland, Oregon. How was she supposed to understand that it's not open season on conservative citizens who offend her by merely existing. She's allowed to go all “ANTIFA” on “those kinds of people” where she comes from, why not in NC?? What an archaic state?

UPDATE: UNC administrator is trying to protect the triggered feminist from arrest…

After intern Austin Beigel was punched by a triggered feminist at the University of North Carolina, an administrator at the university approached and asked Created Equal to drop the charges against her. This smacks of liberal privilege.

This is the video of the arrest

This is the update video

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Alveda King Puts a Wrench into the whole Abortion Thing:

Exclusive — Alveda King: New Abortion Laws Are ‘not to Punish Women, but to Give the Baby Civil Rights'

Aveda King.jpeg

Dr. Alveda King, director of Priests for Life's Civil Rights for the Unborn project and the niece of Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr., told Breitbart News that the recently passed pro-life laws in states like Georgia and Alabama seek to grant “civil rights” to babies in the womb and protect women, not punish them.