
Silly Egyptians Demand End of Peaceful Jihadist Government

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Dateline the Great Pyramid, Egypt -

For the third day in a row, peaceful Egyptian Mislooms vowed to use American-supplied tanks and F-16s against the righteously elected, peaceful, and America-supported Misloom Brotherhood government headed by President Mohamed Morsi (pbuh).

Today's deadline, peacefully offered by the non-Misloom Brotherhood millions of peaceful protesters and military in the streets, requires that American-supported (and peaceful) Morsi step down as president.

At the Great Pyramid protest, Misloom non-person female "Fatima" vowed to do whatever it took to get Morsi out of office. "He doesn't respect womyn, and he hasn't kept up our supply of Arab Spring!" she stated peacefully, referring to the Arab Spring morgue freshener product which became popular when Egypt was contemplating allowing Mislooms to peacefully have sex with their dead partners a year or two ago.

Official spokesperson for the Morsi government, Muhammed "Carney" Mohamad, was quick to point out that, as shown by the photo above, only a relatively small number of Egyptians wish to remove Morsi and his rightfully elected Misloom Brotherhood government.

Wednesday promises to be a day of peaceful tensions as the military-imposed deadline approaches.

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Oh dear.

Now they've gone too far, comrades!

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Now,'re just reading them wrong.

The first banner obviously refers to His Obamaness forcing the FORMER Egyptian regime out of power (by a mere wave of his hand and giving a speech in Cairo), that is to say, he made a fascist regime back up.

The second is just a typo.

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These silly photo's and videos that are being plastered all over the Internets are obviously Photoshopped. Here is a live cam I found So, all is well........ You people worry to much. You have to learn to focus your worry. Here.., I'm sure this will warm any wary Comrades heart Let's move on to more important things. Has anyone heard how baby North West is doing?

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This just in -

Responding to protester "Fatima's" complaint about womyn not being treated appropriately by the peaceful Misloom Brotherhood government or other Egyptian men, official Morsi spokesunit Muhammed "Carney" Mohamad stated for the record that "... the alleged 90-plus sexual assaults and rapes which have allegedly taken place in Cairo's Tahrir Square since June 30, 2013 are nothing but rumors made up by the juice and the Bush administration."

When it was pointed out that the Bush administration actually ended five years ago, Mohamad said that "Yeahhh, you Americans say so. Obama gimme Obamapho! And tanks!"

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Why anyone would NOT support such peaceful groups is beyond us. We can only hope the State does everything in its power to ensure that the ruthless minority of people protesting Comrade Morsi are brought to justice for their treasonous acts of protest.

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Fellow travelers, in my never ending search for up to the minute current information about the appalling news from Egypt, where Comrade Morsi (pbuh) - formerly supported by our own Dear Leader, Comrade Barackzebub Husseinovich Obama (who, on Monday, telephoned Morsi to tell him that, hey, his administration never said they supported any particular person) - is about to become the former president of Egypt, I stumbled across a heinous and disturbing racist document, which I am linking here only as a warning to never read it, should anyone else ever run across it accidentally.

Entitled "America's Deadliest Enemy", when I read looked at it all I could do was stick my fingers in my ears and yell "RAAACIST!!!", over and over, to purge my mind of what my eyes had just seen.

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Crystal Moon wrote:These silly photo's and videos that are being plastered all over the Internets are obviously Photoshopped. Here is a live cam I found So, all is well........ You people worry to much. You have to learn to focus your worry. Here.., I'm sure this will warm any wary Comrades heart Let's move on to more important things. Has anyone heard how baby North West is doing?

Comrade Moon,

Thank you so much for the link to this wonderful site. After the Dramamene took effect I had a glorious afternoon of flight simulator-like moments.

P.S. - On this site I discovered where our Mooselamb brothers obtain their seemingly endless supply of "throwing rocks."


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Oh dear.

Looks like Morsi's officially out.

I wonder what Dear Leader and the Misloom Brotherhood will do now?

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It is clear that the only pathway to peace and success in the Middle East is for Dear Leader to become personally involved. A few well phrased speeches, perhaps a healthcare plan and some solar panels, he's on the continent, he might as well drop in...

Image If he does drop in, he can see what it looks like when the citizens have had enough nonsense from bad government. He's always wanted to "fundamentally transform, " and a military coup seems to fit the description.

I simply must find my Arabic dictionary and look up the key phrases "hope & change" and of course, "FORWARD"... I can impress my comrades as we pull weeds in the beet fields.

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R.O.C.K. in the USSA wrote:I wonder what Dear Leader and the Misloom Brotherhood will do now?

Basically, Dear Leader is still jetting around the world on our dime. But he is not out of touch with his loyal subjects here in the Gud old USSA. Just last night, he Tweeted the news that he was going to put off the Obamacrud act for another year for medium sized businesses.

SO the LAW they ram-rodded through and passed so we could find out what's in it and got the old Rubber Stamp from his Supremes- can be changed by a Tweet from the Twerp from a far away place.

Who can know the true power of His Grateness?

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Fhalkyn wrote:Dear Leader has just declared his endless support for those poor, peaceful Jihadists in Egypt.

That figgers for sure. The ignorant snot nosed prick from the seedy side of Chicago has run his act into the ground. I think the next election may show the end of the Democrat party in the USSA. If we make it to the next election...

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Comrade R.O.C.K., your excellent photo made the Frau throw up in the mouth a bit. WHAT IS WRONG WITH THE PEOPLES OF EGYPT THAT THEY CELEBRATE LIKE SILLY CELEBRATORY ON THE 4TH??? What is the excitement when the military overthrows the dears leader you just made dear leader?!

... and I am worried the Amerikan people will get ideas!!!! (spit)


... and I am worried the Amerikan people will get ideas!!!! (spit)

That girl holding the sign puzzles me! Is she the one in Dem's commercial who told us, with much charm and a sexy voice, she lost her virginity in the election booth when she pulled the lever for OB .... Aren't our women getting big Orgs from the holey OB? What's happening to our women ..

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perhaps she's a lesbian and wants to do it with Michelle

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I'm thinking Hillary, now that her face is frozen like our dear comrade Nanski Peloski.

She still got all those deep love wrinkles too.

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Our Dear Leader should offer his services to head up the interim Egyptian government until free elections can take place immediately after twenty-six dynasties of his family's rule.

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Comrade Meow, while I'm sure that Dear Leader would love to provide his wise wisdom and presidentially pharaohic experience to the Egyptians, he's a little busy right now...