
Rethugicans sent letter to Iran

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As you know, those dirty Rethugicans are at it again. They attempt at undermining our Dear Leader's negotiations with Iran. It could force Iran to take desperate measures and get a nuclear bomb. Then we would need to go into war just because we could not make a peace deal. I blame them for bringing in that Israel Prime Minster Netanyahu.

Did you know who went out of their ways for peace? Thanks to that drunk Kennedy, we ended the cold war with our Soviet pals. Plastic Face Pelosi went out her way to settle peace with the Great Assad. Is that what we want, peace?

The Rethugicans and those teabaggers all want war. These war hawks always want conflict. I blame these problems on too much freedom. Freedom gives.......... thought, bleh! We need to control this before it gets out of hand. Who knows what else they are planning? They might even start a conflict here at the USSA.

Can we do something about this and when?

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"At this point, what difference does it make," komrade? The Rethuglikans will run the customary weakling RINO prezidential kandidate who will flub dub during the kampagin, piss off the Rethuglikan voter base, and loose the elektion. A Demokrat will end up in the White House again. So, the treaty will still be honored. Our new komrades in Iran kan take their sweet time developing their nuclear bombs and ICBMs. The world will kontinue to be a "safer place," thanks to Demokrats!

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Comrades, what we need are people writing glorious prose to our so called enemies, like James Earl Carter, who by the way actually stopped the cold war dead in its tracks. Carter knew that the only way to deal with aggression is to remove the threat by reducing your military size and economic threat to the world, coincidently just like dear leader. Carter also attempted to turns lemons into lemonade by handing over, Angola and Afghanistan, the Panama Canal, Nicaragua, Taiwan and all of Eastern Europe. Carter's creative Détente made everyone aware that we would never confront their glorious ambitions of dominance and we could be friends in an absolute world of coexistence, and where poor holocaust survivors would not be denied their right to vote in Florida. Now its déjà vu all over again with those evil reight wing extremist Rethuglikkkans who are just itching to start WW3 against a bunch of people with mushroom cloud visions in their heads. Last time, Raygun almost started a nuclear Armageddon by rattling around something called Star Wars which greatly antagonized the Soviets. This time, another group of crazy yodeling American Cowboys are creating animosity through a thinly disguised letter of open hate, rather than offering nuclear tyrants a hand in trust, friendship, ending global warming and allowing the Christian right to behead themselves. Yes, we need to prepare the cattle cars to stop this infection of insanity.

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When Ted Kennedy contacted the Motherland for help in defeating Republicans, it was an act of patriotism because whatever advances progress is patriotic.

Ted Kennedy Secretly Asked The Soviets To Intervene In The 1984 Elections

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The Goracle was defeated by lack of dangling "chads", was there a shortage of dangling "Vlads" in 1984?

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Comrade Ivan, I need something to ease the way the pain of writing this article. Do you have something in mind?

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Comrade Hammer, tractor barn #2, toolroom, knock twice and have a ration card in your left hand...

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Comrade Ivan, I am sorry the supply ran dry at the barn. You told me that you filled it up early in the morning. Well, if you need any my services, you can place the note on the door.