
MSNBC Interviews Clueless Nevada Republican Woman

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A recent interview was conducted by MSNBC Chris Hayes who conducted an interview with Nevada state republican assemblywoman Michele Fiore in regards to the Cliven Bundy story. Fiore told Hayes that the BLM went way out-of-bounds by sending in armed federal agents, declaring, "We will not allow governance by gunpoint."

Hayes repeatedly tried to get Fiore to admit that the Bundys are in violation of the law, but the totally clueless Fiore stuck to arguing that the government was engaging in outrageous tactics.

Fiore at one point even shot back with this nonsensical question to Hayes, "If you owed the federal government money, Chris, do you want them coming to your house pointing guns at your wife and children? Is that okay with you?" .......Pffffft

Watch the whole sorry thing as Chris Hayes just totally owns this clueless Palin clone.


Image Now this is how you handle the jerks in the mainstream media. Well done to Ms. Fiore, well done indeed. I really hope the rest of the republican party was paying attention.

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I love Comrade Hayes! He is like a less butch and threatening Rachel Madcow.

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Commodore Snoogie Woogums wrote:
Fiore at one point even shot back with this nonsensical question to Hayes, [highlight=#ffff99]"If you owed the federal government money, Chris, do you want them coming to your house pointing guns at your wife and children? Is that okay with you?"[/highlight]

Hayes wrote:My wife would have enough sense not to threaten the officers by lunging toward them brandishing his loaded purse!"

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I wouldn't underestimate these womynkin comrade, they have a tendency to throw dangerous assault shoes with deadly accuracy.

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Foot wear is the latest military assault weapon that The Party™, clearly, needs to control. Assault shoes and defensive socks cannot be allowed to be accessed by the counter-counter-revolutiorys. It's best if we restrict accesss to the more equal Party™ leadership, I believe.

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So the womyns are to remain barefoot for our own protection? Yikes, Comrades, don't connect that with kitchens or pregnancy until I can get a safe distance away...the scars from the last whack haven't quite healed yet.

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BSNBC regularly misinforms the few viewers on a regular basis on a variety of topics.

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Perhaps, General, But this Chris Hayes is my kinda womyn!!

A lot like Rachel Maddow, but without the manliness.

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Tovarichi wrote:So the womyns are to remain barefoot for our own protection? Yikes, Comrades, don't connect that with kitchens or pregnancy until I can get a safe distance away...the scars from the last whack haven't quite healed yet.

Indeed, Comrade. It's a truly delicate balancing act. The safety of The Party™ leadership is paramount but we can't upset a key constituency. Best to just blame it on Bush, the Republicans and the Tea Party.