
Obama signs executive order closing Congress

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Comrades! It's about time for this takes place! Although it did not come through the official Administration Press (AP) news article, or even the official newspaper of propaganda record, the New York Times, it did come from the New Yorker.

Obama Signs Executive Order Closing Congress

If only the gulag re-education center left me with enough creativity to create a graphic to honor Dear Leader in this, another, historic event!

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Ha.......Hahuaha.......HAHAHAHA!!!! Dear Leader shall bring a new age as we will not need Congress to keep the presidency. Dear Leader for life.

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Just learnt that the Danish prime minister fell in the steps of Elysee. May I guess that Michelle Obama has cast a spell on her?

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A Very good cost cutting move by Dear Leader, Useless Agencies will be next!

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General Confusion wrote:A Very good cost cutting move by Dear Leader, Useless Agencies will be next!
Fie, fie, no government agencies are useless. They all work toward The Common Good.™ And for The Children.™

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The less useful ones can be converted to shovel ready missions, as NASA now appeases Muslim self esteem...

The Department of Defense will soon answer to either Justice or Homeland Security, deploying to hotspots like Ferguson MO to keep the white tourists from interfering with lawful discourse of public policy and redistribution of inventory. Otherwise, we just transfer their weapons to their rightful Mexican cartel caretakers.