
IRS Computer Crash Party

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The Institute Relief Support (IRS) has done it again by having a computer crash party. Such a great party since all the computers gathered up and thrown into a pile. We had the people's pyro light up the computers like it was Fahrenheit 451 based on a true story. We all know the Smile Keepers are protecting us from sad news which come out of these things.

Rejoice Comrads! Tax forgiveness is here. Our Dear Leader has given the selected few who donated lots of money to his rigged campaign poor and the middle oppressed misfortune class relief they need to give them money for next campaign donation. You must go to the nearest People'sVoting Station to register for help from the government. Don't register and rations will be taken from you.

Have a tax relief day.

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I HOPE® the RethugliKKKans suppression tactics do not dampen the flames or the festive atmosphere of the burning, toxic smoke belching PC's over at IRS. Am I required to present my government issued ID at the Peoples VotingStation or can I expect the scan of my subdural multi-electrode brain chip will suffice? I sure deserve those handouts. It's practically all I can think of lately.

No need for any identification, comrade! System is so efficient, that no voting fraud irregularities ever occur. And if you like, go back to the end of the line and vote again. But whatever you do, don't forget that tithe kickback donation to the party from the handouts you receive.

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Thanks to Dear Leader and his cronies comrades, the esteemed IRS has written a new, glorious chapter in the history of data backup!

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I have discovered the source of the IRS backup problem. So much paper has been flushed down the IRS toilets that it has now clogged the septic system! It's under the sub-sub-basement of the underground septic valut!


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They will grill lots of baloney (no pork) with micro-chips on the side. If you want spam, you better ask for it. Beets and mushrooms will be buttered for grilling. Someone will cut the cheese and vegetables. Don't mind the smell and taste.

What to bring
A-G Main course
H-O Desserts
P-V Drinks
V-Z Appetizers

Utensils, plates, and cups will be volunteered.

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I will bring the Peoples Margarine for which the appropriate IRS tax has been extracted. Oleomargarine can be used as a lubricant. Assume the position.


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The same hard drives were also managing Obama care and crashed with it.