
Fredo Cuomo: Do you have any idea who I think I am?

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Never go full Fredo.

That's what the CNN anchor, Chris Cuomo, did yesterday, when a young man addressed him as Fredo and asked to take a picture in what looks like a restaurant. The bespectacled young man must have been listening to Rush Limbaugh, who had been the first to nickname Chris Cuomo "Fredo." The man honestly believed that Fredo was Cuomo's given name.

Instead of correcting the mistake, Cuomo went on an embarrassingly violent and foul-mouthed tirade, which prompted the young man to take off his glasses, anticipating a blow to the head.

Among other things, Chris Cuomo accused the young man of using an ethnic insult which is equivalent to the N-word for black people.

But Cuomo fails even in knowing his insults. According to Urban Dictionary, "Fredo" means to be the "black sheep" in the family, like the one who is the goof and the screw up. Named after Fredo Corleone, Michael's older brother in the Godfather, considered to be the failure.

Cuomo's outburst was almost as if he, the son of Mario Cuomo, the former Governor of New York, and the brother of Andrew Cuomo, the current Governor of New York, was saying, "I'm smart! Not like everybody says, like dumb! I'm smart!" He might as well have screamed, "Stereotype my Italian heritage again and I will put you in a body bag!"

And yet, Chris Cuomo remains a positive role model for young progs, by setting an example of how to become triggered at the slightest perceived insult, blow it out of proportion, politicize it, twist it to mean something racist, demonize the opponent as literally Hitler, and whip themselves into a frenzy while exhibiting moral outrage at the sight of racism and bigotry, thus appearing to defend not themselves, but some disenfranchised minority.

Which is what Cuomo and his guests do every day on CNN, minus the f-bombs.

CNN, on its part, also set an example of how to get out of a scandal by reframing the situation and blaming the victim. The CNN PR person soon tweeted, "Chris Cuomo defended himself when he was verbally attacked with the use of an ethnic slur in an orchestrated setup. We completely support him."

It was similar to how the Soviet propaganda reported on a Soviet-American sprinting race, in which the American had won: "The Soviet sprinter finished second, and the American athlete finished next to last."

And if Chris Cuomo were to rape a woman, we are sure the same CNN PR person would have tweeted, "Chris Cuomo showed his humanity in the face of provocative behavior and a skimpy wardrobe. It was an orchestrated setup and we completely support him."

Some people might try to tell you that it's a banana, but this is Chris Cuomo.

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Komrade Square, maybe someone needs to take Fredo out fishing...

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Komrade Square, maybe someone needs to take Fredo out fishing...
Great Bait! Suitable even for Gar!

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Fredo is gonna Fredo. What Cuomo did was EXACTLY what Fredo would have done.

In related news, Cuomo has issued a press release to inform us that in addition to "Fredo" being an ethnic slur, the words "Gothic" and "Tapioca" are now to be considered deadly ethnic insults, although he did not specify which ethnic groups were likely to take offense.

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I hereby declare today, August 13, 2019, Fredo Cuomo Day!! Show of hands in favor of making the name change to Fredo Cuomo permanent?? 1 -2-3...OK! Passed without dissent!! Woohooo! Now, let's f*%#$*& celebrate or I'll push you down the F*$%^#* stairs!


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I've given this some thought. Unfortunately, Fredo made the fatal mistake of revealing just how much the nickname "Fredo" pisses him off. A third grader is smart enough to know better. One never gives that kind of weapon to his enemies. Now, wherever he goes for the rest of his life there will always be that one guy. That one guy that will yell out "Hey Fredo!" just to watch Fredo turn purple with rage. God is good.

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T-shirts are on the way...Thanks Orange Hitler!!


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I can't wait for the Fredo Cuomo 2 The Sequel........

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On suggestion by our Doktor Trivago Zhicago:


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Intersectuality Movie clip as to who knows who Fredo Cuomo is...

1:54 - 1:59

Forgive me, comrades. I always thought he was Albanian.

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Red Square wrote:
Among other things, Chris Cuomo accused the young man of using an ethnic insult which is equivalent to the N-word for black people.


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Red Square wrote:An old Soviet joke: an American wins in a USA-USSR 2-men race. The Soviet media reports:

"Our athlete finished second, and the American finished next to last."
Today we get the same mental pretzels from Pew Research. Their study has found that Asian men had higher median hourly earnings than other groups. So they tweeted this headline: "White men had higher median hourly earnings ($21) than every other racial or ethnic and gender subgroup except one: Asian men, according to an analysis from 2016.

The entire prog movement is an old Soviet joke.

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Cuomo: "Do you have any idea who I think I am?"

Pamalinsky: Good grief, I absolutely have no idea. Who you think you are could be anything at any given moment. I am not a "mind" reader. But, I can say with certainty that I don't like what I think I see. Takin' it to the streets! (Doobie Bros ref.)

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Apparatchik Unkulturny wrote:
Komrade Square, maybe someone needs to take Fredo out fishing...
Great Bait! Suitable even for Gar!
But first send Fredo to Gulag so he can efficiently be used for kollektive farming, mining, or cutting timber for greater glory of state!

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Red Square wrote: The entire prog movement is an old Soviet joke.


OBJECTION! Even in the USSR, by the accounts I've read, you could have fun with a joke. The Progs' treatment of Seinfeld, Dave Chapelle, and virtually every other comedian who refuses to kowtow to Prog ideology proves that in Progland, you can't even have fun with a joke.

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Fredo Forever!
He will be forever Fredo.